What Is Invisalign: Process, Cost, Benefits & After-Care Tips

What Is Invisalign: Process, Cost, Benefits & After-Care Tips

August 1, 2023

Invisalign is an orthodontic appliance helpful to straighten teeth with virtually invisible plastic aligners customized from dental grade BPA-free plastic. The aligners are explicitly custom created for your teeth and use gentle pressure to move your teeth to the desired positions gradually. The treatment is comfortable because the aligners are removable for eating, drinking, and maintaining excellent dental hygiene.

What is The Step-By-Step Process of Getting Invisalign?

Below is the step-by-step process of getting Invisalign to straighten teeth and malocclusion, impacting your dental health and smile.

  1. Schedule a consultation with the Invisalign dentist near Montrose, TX, to assess whether you qualify for Invisalign aligners. The dentist will determine your situation’s complexity to ascertain your eligibility.
  2. The dentist takes impressions of your teeth with a 3D scanner allowing you to visualize your smile after completing treatment.
  3. Your customized aligners are fabricated by the manufacturers using state-of-the-art computer technology to apply pressure to your teeth for movement into the desired position.
  4. You must wear each set of aligners for two weeks before discarding them to wear another set.
  5. Schedule appointments with the Montrose dentist once every six to eight weeks for progress assessments and collect fresh batches of aligners.
  6. After completing treatment, you must wear retainers on your teeth to prevent them from reverting to their original positions.

What Are The Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign has multiple benefits over traditional braces. They are the following:

  1. The aligners are popular among adults seeking orthodontic treatment they did not receive during childhood and are too self-conscious to wear metal brackets and wires over their teeth.
  2. Besides being removable, Invisalign aligners enable patients to nourish, hydrate, and maintain oral health in optimal shape, unlike traditional braces, which prevent them or pose challenges in accomplishing these tasks.
  3. Invisalign therapy is more comfortable than traditional braces because the aligners are custom created from dental grade plastic without metals and fit over the teeth snugly.
  4. Invisalign clear aligners help patients accomplish their goal of having straighter teeth without infections and a beautiful smile faster than traditional braces needing merely six to 18 months to complete treatment, depending on the situation’s complexity.
  5. Straightening teeth with Invisalign helps improve oral health and lowers the risk of dental infections like tooth decay, periodontal disease, et cetera.
  6. The patient’s quality of life improves after treatment with Invisalign by providing a straighter and a more pleasing smile that helps boost self-confidence and overall quality of life.

What is The Cost of Straightening Teeth with Invisalign?

Invisalign prices differ between patients and will depend on the situation’s complexity, duration of treatment, and the cost of living in the patient’s area. However, the treatment costs can vary between $ 3000 and $ 5000. The prices also depend upon the patient’s compliance with wearing the aligners for the specified 22 hours daily during their treatment. Patients who do not adhere to the instructions of the dentist in Houston, TX, providing Invisalign may require additional aligners, thereby increasing the cost of the treatment beyond the initially estimated amount.

What Are The After-Care Tips for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  1. If you wish to straighten teeth and prevent dental infections, you must wear the aligners as the dentist directs. The aligners must remain on your teeth for 22 hours daily for optimal results.
  2. Cleaning your aligners is also a requirement to ensure they do not discolor or accumulate dental plaque on them to become harmful to your mouth.
  3. When wearing Invisalign aligners, you must avoid all foods with braces over your teeth. In addition, you must also avoid sticky and hard foods like ice, popcorn, caramel, or chewing gum to prevent damaging your aligners.
  4. Brushing and flossing teeth as directed by the Invisalign dentist helps maintain good oral hygiene and prevents periodontal disease and tooth decay.
  5. Regular visits to the Invisalign provider are essential to assess your progress and collect fresh batches of aligners as required.
  6. Invisalign treatment continues even after straightening your teeth with the aligners. The Invisalign provider suggests wearing retainers over your teeth indefinitely to prevent your teeth from reverting to their original positions.

After investing a considerable sum in straightening your teeth, it will be a gross injustice if you refuse to wear retainers and allow your teeth to revert within a few weeks of completing your treatment with clear aligners. Therefore after spending money and time to achieve better dental health and smile, you must adhere to the Houston dentist’s instructions to retain the accomplished results.

Invisalign helps treat mild to moderate orthodontic imperfections like overcrowding, gaps, underbites, overbites, open bites, crossbites, et cetera. The treatment delivers quick results within six to 18 months comfortably. If your teeth are malpositioned, schedule a consultation with Polish Dentistry to start Invisalign treatment in Houston, TX.

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