A boy getting Tongue tie treatment

Tongue Ties in Houston, TX

Tongue Ties

Tongue Ties

Unfortunately, many people are born with oral deformities. A deformity of the mouth can make even basic tasks like eating, drinking, and talking even more difficult than normal. Trying to figure out what to do about this kind of situation can be frustrating if the person affected is your child or someone you know. Thankfully, we know what to do at Polish Dentistry in Midtown, Houston, TX.

One of the most common types of oral deformity is known as ankyloglossia or a tongue tie. This occurs when a band of skin forms attached to the tongue and the floor of the mouth, limiting tongue movement and making it difficult to speak, swallow, or chew food. This condition can harm a child’s development without proper treatment and cause many problems. At Polish Dentistry, our dentist in Houston, TX have a specialized laser treatment to correct the issue with minimal discomfort or recovery time so that the patient can start enjoying life the way they should.

How Does Treatment for Tongue Ties Work?

The treatment involves our dentist at 77006 or oral surgeon cutting the skin band that prevents the tongue from moving properly. Dentists can typically do it on babies as soon as they start breastfeeding. However, if the skin is too thick, it may need a more serious corrective surgery to remove the skin and restore movement to the tongue.

While the procedure used to be done by a dentist cutting the skin and then repairing any damage, they can now do it via laser. Using a laser to cut the tissue away from the tongue is much simpler, safer, and less painful than manually cutting it with scissors. Using a laser automatically seals the wound, preventing it from becoming infected.

While the procedure is typically minor, it is much faster and safer thanks to laser treatment. It allows your baby to go back to feeding almost immediately without having to worry about recovery time or the baby being bothered by pain from the cutting of skin.

Get Tongue Ties Treatment Near You

Looking to get a tongue ties treatment near you in Midtown, Houston, TX 77006? Call or book an appointment with Polish Dentistry now to get tongue ties in Houston, TX!


What are the treatment options for a tongue tie?

Treatment options include a frenotomy or frenuloplasty, which are minor surgical procedures to release or reposition the frenulum to allow better tongue movement.

Who can be affected by a tongue tie?

Tongue ties can affect both infants and adults, although they are most commonly diagnosed and treated in infancy due to breastfeeding difficulties.

How long does it take to recover from a tongue tie procedure?

Recovery is typically swift, with most infants and children resuming normal activities within a day or two. Adults may experience minor soreness for a few days.

Can a tongue tie affect speech development?

Yes, a tongue tie can impact speech development by restricting tongue movements necessary for the articulation of certain sounds.

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